Articles of: Maja Kochanowska

Smog can negatively affect brain development in children
Air pollution has a negative impact not only on the respiratory and circulatory systems, but also on the nervous system, and children are particularly vulnerable. Pollution causes inflammation of the nerve tissue and may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
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Fertility neurobiology, or how stress influences fertilization difficulties
It is well known that long-term stress leads to many disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, cardiovascular diseases, weakened immunity, and reduced fertility. However, it is also known that we are different from each other. Some of us are more resistant to stress and others are more sensitive. The same events in one person will […]
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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or post-traumatic growth
Traumatic events are always associated with negative emotions and sometimes result in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, they also often lead to positive changes in the perception of one’s life and to the development of personality, which in psychology is called post-traumatic growth.
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Abnormal gut microbiota can contribute to anxiety disorders and depression
The human body is home to nearly 100 quintillion bacteria that are essential to health. Their role in digestion is widely known, but recent studies have shown that the intestinal flora also plays an important role in brain function and may play a role in the development of anxiety and mood disorders.
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How to deal with the stress of infertility?
In couples trying to conceive, infertility is always stressful. It makes it difficult or impossible to fulfill the important role of a parent, often disturbs relationships with friends and family, causes embarrassment, emotional disorders, and sometimes depression. Stress can be dealt with in various ways, and the strategy adopted influences the level of stress by […]
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Infertility is not only a medical problem
The beginning of trying for a baby is almost always associated with positive emotions. The couple is excited, does not anticipate any problems and believes that soon they will be able to enjoy the pregnancy and then the birth of the desired child. But sometimes months pass – a few, then a dozen or so […]
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Memory problems and other cognitive disorders after chemotherapy
Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy often experience problems with memory, attention, and other cognitive disorders. These dysfunctions are called “chemobrain” and they often hinder work or study and reduce quality of life. What is the cause of them?
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Why do people commit suicide?
About 7,000 people a year try to commit suicide in Poland alone. Almost 5,000 do it effectively. Why? What makes a person decide to end his/her life and what factors are conducive to such behavior?
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The effect of placebo on the brain
You are probably familiar with the term “placebo effect”. The substance indifferent to the body causes improvement through psychological mechanisms. The patient believes that an improvement will take place and therefore it actually does. However, this is not pure psychology. Placebo causes changes in the brain similar to those caused by administration of the drug.
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Noopept and its effects on the brain
Noopept is a substance sold as a nootropic drug, i.e. it improves the functioning of the central nervous system. We won’t find it in any pharmacy, but it is sold in some online stores. It is often purchased to improve cognitive functioning, including improving memory and concentration. What does science say about its effectiveness and […]
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