Articles about: immune system

smog w warszawie
smog w warszawie

Smog can negatively affect brain development in children

Neurobiology, 01-01-2021

Air pollution has a negative impact not only on the respiratory and circulatory systems, but also on the nervous system, and children are particularly vulnerable. Pollution causes inflammation of the nerve tissue and may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

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Melatonin not only for sleep

Neurobiology, 11-02-2020

Melatonin is known as the “sleep hormone”, but its importance for the body is much broader. It influences, among others the immune system, it is a powerful antioxidant, and newer studies indicate that it can be helpful in the treatment of obesity, osteoporosis and other common diseases in the elderly.

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śpiąca kobieta
śpiąca kobieta

Why it is worth to sleep

Neurobiology, 26-03-2016

For those who believe that it is a waste of life to sleep, because “they will sleep after death” – a new article. About why it is better though to have enough sleep during life. Lack of sleep negatively affects mood, motivation, social and emotional skills, communication skills, creativity, memory, decision-making ability, immune system, cardiovascular system and even […]

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The biology of stress

Neurobiology, 20-06-2015

The stress response involves two biological systems – the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated first and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis), which takes effect after a certain time.

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