Articles about: prefrontal cortex

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Will short-term stress help treat depression and PTSD?

Neurobiology, 31-12-2022

It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that stressful situations, if repeated often or are very intense, can lead to the development of disorders such as depression or post-traumatic disorder. It turns out, however, that stress can also be one of the ways to treat such mental problems.

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młodszy brat przytula płaczącą siostrę
młodszy brat przytula płaczącą siostrę

Neurobiology of empathy

Neurobiology, 22-11-2015

Psychology distinguishes between two types of empathy. From the perspective of emotions empathy is the ability to empathize emotional states of other people, but from the cognitive perspective – the ability to understand the beliefs, feelings and intentions of others. Empathy is a complex process, which involves at least two paths: “bottom-up” and “top-down”. The […]

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