Articles about: sport psychology

Staying at high altitude can cause permanent brain damage
Mountaineers climbing at high altitudes often suffer from altitude sickness, mainly caused by low pressure and hence less oxygen availability. Its symptoms disappear after descending to a lower altitude, but sometimes long-term or even permanent brain dysfunction and damage may occur.
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“I’m not a risk taker” – the US BASE jumpers’ perception of their own risk tolerance
There was supposed to be an article about skydivers’ perceptions of their propensity to take risks, but it turns out that people in the USA are a bit different than in Poland. Intercultural differences?
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Visualization in technical sports: internal or external?
Visualization is one of the mental techniques helpful in acquiring new motor skills. It can be from the perspective of oneself (internal visualization) or from the perspective of an external observer (external visualization). Which one is more effective?
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Affect regulation and risk-taking in extreme sports
Extreme sports are by definition risky, but any such sport can be practiced in a more or less safe way. Some try to minimize the risk, while others undertake activities that are associated with a higher risk of an accident. What distinguishes more risky people?
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Mental strategies in extreme sports
The psyche is important in every sport, but extreme sports are distinguished by a high risk of an accident, also fatal. How do people who practice such sports deal with this threat and what mental techniques do they use to achieve success?
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Not every skydiver is a risk taker
Skydivers are often perceived as thrill-seekers in need of high doses of adrenaline. This is confirmed by studies in which skydivers were compared to non-skydivers. However, another picture emerges from the study in which skydivers themselves were compared with each other.
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Risk through the eyes of risk takers
Talking with my skydiver friends, I got the impression that some of them do not appreciate the risk involved in practicing this sport, thinking that you can also harm yourself at home or walking along the street. This led me to wonder how generally people who engage in various risky sports approach the dangers associated with […]
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