Articles of: Maja Kochanowska

różowe okulary
różowe okulary

Unrealistic optimism, or are we too optimistic?

Psychology, 15-10-2021

Unrealistic optimism is a concept that is very well known in psychology. Many studies show that people are often characterized by unreasonably high optimism, which can also be seen in everyday life. We do not wear seat belts, we cycle without a helmet, we do not insure our apartments, we do not regularly attend medical […]

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ja podczas kursu spadochronowego
ja podczas kursu spadochronowego

You skydive? And you’re not afraid?

Skydiving, 07-10-2021

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard this question. And I never know how to answer, because you can’t simply say “yes” or “no”. It is differently, a lot has changed as I gained experience and it depends on what kind of “fear” we are talking about. I will try to explain it :)

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kobieta przed lustrem
kobieta przed lustrem

To think well about yourself, i.e. self-serving bias and cognitive dissonance

Psychology, 24-09-2021

The human mind can do a lot to convince you that you are an intelligent and valuable person. We like to have good self-esteem and are reluctant to admit to ourselves that we have done something unfair or unwise.

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deser mleczny
deser mleczny

What diet for insomnia?

Neurobiology, 19-09-2021

By entering “insomnia diet” or “food for insomnia” on Google, you can find a lot of advice: lots of carbohydrates and little protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fish, milk, almonds, walnuts, honey sandwiches, cheese, cabbage … and what does scientific research say about it? As it turns out after reviewing them, not much …

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What attracts people to risky sports or not only risk

Psychology, 18-09-2021

For others, the matter is often simple – if someone at their own request engages in risky activities, it means that they like risk and do it for adrenaline. In reality, however, it is more complicated and there are many motivations for practicing extreme sports. Among them, the social aspect is of great importance.

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kobieta leży w łóżku
kobieta leży w łóżku

I can’t sleep! Are you sure?

Psychology, 17-09-2021

It is estimated that 6% of adults suffer from insomnia. While the problem is real and affects quality of life negatively, it is also known that many people misjudge their sleep time and sleep duration, believing that they sleep worse than objective indicators show. There may be several reasons for this discrepancy.

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Visualization in technical sports: internal or external?

Psychology, 24-05-2021

Visualization is one of the mental techniques helpful in acquiring new motor skills. It can be from the perspective of oneself (internal visualization) or from the perspective of an external observer (external visualization). Which one is more effective?

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Affect regulation and risk-taking in extreme sports

Psychology, 23-03-2021

Extreme sports are by definition risky, but any such sport can be practiced in a more or less safe way. Some try to minimize the risk, while others undertake activities that are associated with a higher risk of an accident. What distinguishes more risky people?

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skok base jumping
skok base jumping

Mental strategies in extreme sports

Psychology, Skydiving, 10-03-2021

The psyche is important in every sport, but extreme sports are distinguished by a high risk of an accident, also fatal. How do people who practice such sports deal with this threat and what mental techniques do they use to achieve success?

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trzy kobiety robią selfie z dziubkami
trzy kobiety robią selfie z dziubkami

Selfie: Hardly anyone likes them, but almost everyone does

Psychology, 02-01-2021

When asked whether they prefer to watch their friends’ selfies or ordinary photos on social networks, most users say that they prefer ordinary photos. They see their friends taking pictures of themselves as narcissistic, but they also take pictures of themselves… How to explain this paradox?

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