Category: Psychology

trzy kobiety robią selfie z dziubkami
trzy kobiety robią selfie z dziubkami

Selfie: Hardly anyone likes them, but almost everyone does

Psychology, 02-01-2021

When asked whether they prefer to watch their friends’ selfies or ordinary photos on social networks, most users say that they prefer ordinary photos. They see their friends taking pictures of themselves as narcissistic, but they also take pictures of themselves… How to explain this paradox?

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na szczycie góry
na szczycie góry

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or post-traumatic growth

Psychology, 15-12-2020

Traumatic events are always associated with negative emotions and sometimes result in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, they also often lead to positive changes in the perception of one’s life and to the development of personality, which in psychology is called post-traumatic growth.

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zakochana para na łące
zakochana para na łące

How to deal with the stress of infertility?

Psychology, 11-11-2020

In couples trying to conceive, infertility is always stressful. It makes it difficult or impossible to fulfill the important role of a parent, often disturbs relationships with friends and family, causes embarrassment, emotional disorders, and sometimes depression. Stress can be dealt with in various ways, and the strategy adopted influences the level of stress by […]

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smutna para kobieta i mężczyzna
smutna para kobieta i mężczyzna

Infertility is not only a medical problem

Psychology, 11-11-2020

The beginning of trying for a baby is almost always associated with positive emotions. The couple is excited, does not anticipate any problems and believes that soon they will be able to enjoy the pregnancy and then the birth of the desired child. But sometimes months pass – a few, then a dozen or so […]

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lina do powieszenia się
lina do powieszenia się

Why do people commit suicide?

Psychology, 01-11-2020

About 7,000 people a year try to commit suicide in Poland alone. Almost 5,000 do it effectively. Why? What makes a person decide to end his/her life and what factors are conducive to such behavior?

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zabawa z delfinami
zabawa z delfinami

Dolphin Therapy – is it worth it?

Psychology, 24-10-2020

Dolphin therapy is presented as an effective and fascinating method of therapy recommended in autism, Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy and many other disorders. Its effectiveness is allegedly due to contact with dolphins and ultrasound emitted by these animals. How much truth is there and is it worth taking dolphin therapy?

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twarz bez emocji
twarz bez emocji

Alexithymia or emotional illiteracy

Neurobiology, Psychology, 20-10-2020

The term “alexithymia” was introduced in the 1970s by Sifneos and Nemiah, who noticed that patients with psychosomatic diseases often have problems with talking about their emotions, focus on details, have poor imagination and a rigid body posture. The term comes from the Greek words a – lack, lexis – the word, thymos – emotions, […]

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The influence of colors on emotions and abilities

Psychology, 14-10-2020

Colors are a very important issue for many people. Choosing the right color for the interior or clothing is often a difficult decision. However, those who expect that I will give simple advice will be disappointed ;) The psychology of colors is not yet a developed field of science and there are no simple tips. […]

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skoki spadochronowe
skoki spadochronowe

Not every skydiver is a risk taker

Psychology, Skydiving, 13-10-2020

Skydivers are often perceived as thrill-seekers in need of high doses of adrenaline. This is confirmed by studies in which skydivers were compared to non-skydivers. However, another picture emerges from the study in which skydivers themselves were compared with each other.

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What motivates people to have sex?

Psychology, 08-08-2020

Why do people have sex? What encourages women to have sex and what about men? These questions were answered by studies by David Buss and Cindy Meston from the University of Texas. The researchers began searching for answers to these questions with a study in which they asked participants to list as many reasons as […]

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