Category: Psychology

twarze osób z różnych kultur
twarze osób z różnych kultur

Cognitive biases in different cultures

Psychology, 14-06-2020

Correspondence bias, self-serving bias… probably all psychology students have heard these concepts. I learned a lot about it myself, I also wrote about these and other biases in my ebook “Wszyscy jesteśmy nieracjonalni” (We are all irrational). Few people however mention intercultural diversity.

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mądry obrazek mózgu
mądry obrazek mózgu

Brain images make the article seem more reliable

Psychology, 30-03-2020

Even if the article does not make much sense, inserting a photo of the brain scan into it makes the article more “scientific” and credible for readers. The content that sounds “neuroscientific” is also relevant to readers. Phrases such as “brain scans have shown” and referring to concepts in this field of science cause the […]

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smartfon z facebookiem
smartfon z facebookiem

Facebook and personality

Psychology, 25-02-2020

Some have 50 friends, others 500. Some update their status once every few months, while others share each kilometer run and every dinner eaten. How do such people differ in terms of personality?

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Vaccine dispute from a psychological perspective

Psychology, 11-02-2020

There has long been a dispute over the safety of vaccines on the internet and in the media. It started with thimerosal vaccines that are supposed to cause autism, but recently I have been hearing more and more voices about the harmfulness of all vaccinations. I don’t want to stand on either side in this […]

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dziewczyna patrzy przez okno
dziewczyna patrzy przez okno

What is agoraphobia?

Psychology, 02-02-2020

Agoraphobia is sometimes defined as fear of open space, but in fact it is not open space that causes fear in people who suffer from this disorder. It is a more complicated and not fully understood disorder.

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mężczyzna czyta w łóżku
mężczyzna czyta w łóżku

Lack of sleep as a treatment of depression

Psychology, 06-12-2019

Insomnia often accompanies depression, but it turns out that lack of sleep can also help treat depression. This was first noticed in the 1970s, when sleep deprivation studies were conducted to better understand depression. Surprisingly, in people with symptoms of depression, deprivation of sleep caused an improvement in mood. No mood changes were noted in […]

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ilustracja równouprawnienia płci
ilustracja równouprawnienia płci

Women more prejudiced to men than men to women?

Psychology, 01-01-2019

It is known that women often have more difficulties in the labor market than men. There are many reasons, including stereotypes about women, other standards for the evaluation of men and women, condescending treatment of women by men, male solidarity in the work environment and lack of feminine solidarity, women’s unbelief in their skills, motherhood… (1) 

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test rorschacha
test rorschacha

20 Psychology Myths

Neurobiology, Psychology, 25-12-2018

In society, many myths concerning various branches of psychology are commonplace. I would like to refute some of them and pass on knowledge in line with scientific research. You will also find out where some myths come from and why they are so popular.

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Risk through the eyes of risk takers

Psychology, Skydiving, 23-12-2018

Talking with my skydiver friends, I got the impression that some of them do not appreciate the risk involved in practicing this sport, thinking that you can also harm yourself at home or walking along the street. This led me to wonder how generally people who engage in various risky sports approach the dangers associated with […]

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Empathy in children. Piaget was not right.

Psychology, 09-01-2016

Are young children capable of empathy? The article describes the study of the 70s., where Helene Borke proves that, yes. Empathy is a fundamental process underlying the human interaction and communication. It seems as important for interpersonal development as intelligence for cognitive. By observations of spontaneous language of children, their behavior when they play, and coping with […]

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