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Emotions during the first parachute jump and glider flight
According to the Solomon’s theory Solomon negative emotions are followed by positive emotions because the nervous system seeks to compensate emotions and reach optimal level. The opposite emotion is formed slowly and lasts longer than its original state.
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Endorphins are opioid peptides, were identified in 1975 and their name comes from the words “Endogenous morphine,” that is produced in the body morphine. Due to the induced state of euphoric endorphins are often called “hormone of happiness”. There are a lot of molecules belonging to the group of endorphins; the most researched is beta-endorphin.
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Brain and religion
The relationship between brain functioning and religious feelings was realised at the end of the nineteenth century, when it was observed that epilepsy is associated with these feelings. In recent years, a new field of knowledge has developed – Neurotheology, which tries to explore the issue.
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Neurobiology of trust
The main role in trust plays oxytocin – a neurotransmitter and a hormone that also has an impact on stimulating the secretion of milk and starting labor. The role of oxytocin examined Paul J. Zak – professor of economics and clinical neurology, who after examining animal studies found that this molecule may play a role in […]
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The role of white matter in learning and mental illnesses
The nervous system consists of gray matter and white matter. Grey matter is found mainly in the cortex, and is composed of the cell bodies of neurons (“gray cells”). White matter is nerve cell bodies projections (axons), which transmit information from the cell bodies to synapses connecting the neurons to each other. The majority of axons are […]
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Nicotine addiction – a sensitization-homeostasis theory
Smoking cigarettes causes psychological addiction, because it impacts the pleasure center of the brain. It also addicts physically as a result of the development of tolerance to nicotine. Some time after smoking, addicts feel withdrawal symptoms, ie. restlessness, irritability, inability to concentrate, etc. – This is the traditional theory of nicotine addiction. Joseph R. DiFranza, working as a family […]
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Sensation seeking
The concept “sensation seeking” was developed in 1979 by Marvin Zuckerman and its definition is “the search of varied, novel, complex and intense feelings and experiences, and readiness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experiences”.
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The biology of stress
The stress response involves two biological systems – the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated first and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis), which takes effect after a certain time.
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What is flow experience?
Flow experience is a state of deep concentration, during which we forget about everything, except what we are doing right now. A person during flow experience feels happiness and peace. Flow describes e.g. composers: “You are in a state of such ecstasy that you almost don’t exist. It has happened to me many times. My hands do not […]
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