Articles about: brain


A new smartphone application effective in the treatment of tinnitus

Psychology, 11-02-2023

Tinnitus is an irritating condition that can cause or exacerbate problems with sleep, concentration, anxiety and depression, and hearing problems. The exact pathophysiology of tinnitus is still unknown, but it is assumed that it may result from disturbed activity within and between several neural networks. There are various factors that contribute to the severity of […]

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komputer i słuchawki
komputer i słuchawki

Music during work – helps or disturbs?

Neurobiology, Psychology, 01-01-2022

Some people like to listen to music while working, while others prefer to work in silence and say that music makes it difficult to concentrate. How is it actually? As with everything in psychology – it depends ;)

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smog w warszawie
smog w warszawie

Smog can negatively affect brain development in children

Neurobiology, 01-01-2021

Air pollution has a negative impact not only on the respiratory and circulatory systems, but also on the nervous system, and children are particularly vulnerable. Pollution causes inflammation of the nerve tissue and may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

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cząsteczka noopeptu
cząsteczka noopeptu

Noopept and its effects on the brain

Neurobiology, 25-10-2020

Noopept is a substance sold as a nootropic drug, i.e. it improves the functioning of the central nervous system. We won’t find it in any pharmacy, but it is sold in some online stores. It is often purchased to improve cognitive functioning, including improving memory and concentration. What does science say about its effectiveness and […]

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mądry obrazek mózgu
mądry obrazek mózgu

Brain images make the article seem more reliable

Psychology, 30-03-2020

Even if the article does not make much sense, inserting a photo of the brain scan into it makes the article more “scientific” and credible for readers. The content that sounds “neuroscientific” is also relevant to readers. Phrases such as “brain scans have shown” and referring to concepts in this field of science cause the […]

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ilustracja rytmu serca
ilustracja rytmu serca

AWAreness during REsuscitation – results of the study

Neurobiology, 06-03-2020

In the article on the Near Death Experiences, I mentioned research that was to answer the question of whether it is possible to separate from the body, which is sometimes reported by survivors of cardiac arrest. Learn about the results of the research.

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Homosexuality – congenital or acquired?

Neurobiology, 24-02-2020

Some say that sexual orientation is genetically determined and therefore impossible to change, while others believe that it arises during life, so we have influence on it and we can change. In part, they both are right but also in part both are wrong.

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Melatonin not only for sleep

Neurobiology, 11-02-2020

Melatonin is known as the “sleep hormone”, but its importance for the body is much broader. It influences, among others the immune system, it is a powerful antioxidant, and newer studies indicate that it can be helpful in the treatment of obesity, osteoporosis and other common diseases in the elderly.

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bliźniaczki nie do odróżnienia
bliźniaczki nie do odróżnienia

Face blindness or prosopagnosia

Neurobiology, 22-12-2019

It seems obvious to us that we recognize our friends, neighbors and family, we can see them in a group of strangers and recognize them even if they change their hair style or dress. However, there are people for whom this is a problem. Prosopagnosia, i.e. the inability to recognize a face, can make life […]

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kwasy omega-3
kwasy omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids and mental health

Neurobiology, 24-11-2019

It is widely known about the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids on the cardiovascular system, but not everyone knows that these compounds also have a positive effect on mental health. The nervous system contains over 60% fatty acids, of which 30% are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include omega-3 fatty acids. They take part in […]

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