Articles about: oncology

łysa kobieta
łysa kobieta

Memory problems and other cognitive disorders after chemotherapy

Neurobiology, 01-11-2020

Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy often experience problems with memory, attention, and other cognitive disorders. These dysfunctions are called “chemobrain” and they often hinder work or study and reduce quality of life. What is the cause of them?

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grzybki halucynogenne
grzybki halucynogenne

Therapeutic hallucinogens

Neurobiology, 12-06-2016

Already in the 50’s it was noted that psychedelic drugs, also called hallucinogens may have a therapeutic effect. Some studies of these years have shown that these substances can be helpful in treating addiction and alleviate the psychological suffering of terminally ill patients. In the 60’s, researchers in the US found that LSD and DPT given […]

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