Articles about: social psychology

anioł i diabeł
anioł i diabeł

3 simple ways to increase moral behavior in people

Psychology, 15-12-2022

Most people sometimes behave unethically, and often it is not because they have immoral personalities, but because the situation is conducive to dishonest behavior. It turns out, however, that sometimes in a simple way you can make more people behave morally in a given situation.

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twarze osób z różnych kultur
twarze osób z różnych kultur

Cognitive biases in different cultures

Psychology, 14-06-2020

Correspondence bias, self-serving bias… probably all psychology students have heard these concepts. I learned a lot about it myself, I also wrote about these and other biases in my ebook “Wszyscy jesteśmy nieracjonalni” (We are all irrational). Few people however mention intercultural diversity.

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ilustracja równouprawnienia płci
ilustracja równouprawnienia płci

Women more prejudiced to men than men to women?

Psychology, 01-01-2019

It is known that women often have more difficulties in the labor market than men. There are many reasons, including stereotypes about women, other standards for the evaluation of men and women, condescending treatment of women by men, male solidarity in the work environment and lack of feminine solidarity, women’s unbelief in their skills, motherhood… (1) 

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