Category: Neurobiology

test rorschacha
test rorschacha

20 Psychology Myths

Neurobiology, Psychology, 25-12-2018

In society, many myths concerning various branches of psychology are commonplace. I would like to refute some of them and pass on knowledge in line with scientific research. You will also find out where some myths come from and why they are so popular.

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kim peek z zespołem sawanta
kim peek z zespołem sawanta

Savant syndrome – unusual abilities due to disability?

Neurobiology, 12-06-2016

The twins John and Michael were able to say what happened and what was the weather every day of their lives, since they were four years old. They were able to repeat even a 300-digit number and specify what was or will be the day of the week on any day of the 40 000 […]

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grzybki halucynogenne
grzybki halucynogenne

Therapeutic hallucinogens

Neurobiology, 12-06-2016

Already in the 50’s it was noted that psychedelic drugs, also called hallucinogens may have a therapeutic effect. Some studies of these years have shown that these substances can be helpful in treating addiction and alleviate the psychological suffering of terminally ill patients. In the 60’s, researchers in the US found that LSD and DPT given […]

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śpiąca kobieta
śpiąca kobieta

Why it is worth to sleep

Neurobiology, 26-03-2016

For those who believe that it is a waste of life to sleep, because “they will sleep after death” – a new article. About why it is better though to have enough sleep during life. Lack of sleep negatively affects mood, motivation, social and emotional skills, communication skills, creativity, memory, decision-making ability, immune system, cardiovascular system and even […]

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doświadczenie obe
doświadczenie obe

Near Death Experiences

Neurobiology, 12-03-2016

Probably everyone has heard from more or less reliable sources about people who have survived clinical death and their stories about watching their body from the top, the light in the tunnel, and other mysterious experiences. Some argue that these experiences are proof of life after death, others treat such stories as fairy tales, and yet […]

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mężczyzna z bólem głowy
mężczyzna z bólem głowy

What causes migraine?

Neurobiology, 09-01-2016

The cause of migraine may be malfunctioning of the brain stem nuclei, which are responsible for inhibition of trigeminal nerve, which in turn causes migraine. The brain stem can also cause so-called cortical spreading depression (CSD) associated with aura, which in some patients precedes the attack.

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młodszy brat przytula płaczącą siostrę
młodszy brat przytula płaczącą siostrę

Neurobiology of empathy

Neurobiology, 22-11-2015

Psychology distinguishes between two types of empathy. From the perspective of emotions empathy is the ability to empathize emotional states of other people, but from the cognitive perspective – the ability to understand the beliefs, feelings and intentions of others. Empathy is a complex process, which involves at least two paths: “bottom-up” and “top-down”. The […]

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The stress response

Neurobiology, 26-09-2015

The two main biological systems involved in stress response, ie. the sympathetic system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), I described in the article Biology of stress. Now a little bit more about corticoliberin, as well as the locus coeruleus in the brainstem, dopaminergic and serotonergic system and the amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Corticoliberin (Corticotropin-releasing hormone […]

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ilustracja neuronu
ilustracja neuronu

What you will not learn about the nervous system at school

Neurobiology, 26-09-2015

The article presents facts about the functioning of the nervous system, according to the latest research, but not necessarily consistent with the information from textbooks. Only neurons generate the action potential – False According to the textbook knowledge, neurons’ function is to transmit information in the form of electrical stimuli (action potential), and function of […]

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skoczek na spadochronie
skoczek na spadochronie

Skydiving prevents depression?

Neurobiology, Skydiving, 21-08-2015

French scientists based on skydivers research published in 1999, found that sensation seeking can be an adaptive response to anhedonia, ie. an inability to experience pleasure. The creator of the theory of sensation seeking stated that the physiological basis of sensation seeking is the optimal level of arousal – in patients that achieve high scores in this scale […]

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