Articles about: stress

smutna kobieta
smutna kobieta

Will short-term stress help treat depression and PTSD?

Neurobiology, 31-12-2022

It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that stressful situations, if repeated often or are very intense, can lead to the development of disorders such as depression or post-traumatic disorder. It turns out, however, that stress can also be one of the ways to treat such mental problems.

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ja podczas kursu spadochronowego
ja podczas kursu spadochronowego

You skydive? And you’re not afraid?

Skydiving, 07-10-2021

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard this question. And I never know how to answer, because you can’t simply say “yes” or “no”. It is differently, a lot has changed as I gained experience and it depends on what kind of “fear” we are talking about. I will try to explain it :)

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para starająca się o dziecko
para starająca się o dziecko

Fertility neurobiology, or how stress influences fertilization difficulties

Neurobiology, 27-12-2020

It is well known that long-term stress leads to many disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, cardiovascular diseases, weakened immunity, and reduced fertility. However, it is also known that we are different from each other. Some of us are more resistant to stress and others are more sensitive. The same events in one person will […]

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na szczycie góry
na szczycie góry

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or post-traumatic growth

Psychology, 15-12-2020

Traumatic events are always associated with negative emotions and sometimes result in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, they also often lead to positive changes in the perception of one’s life and to the development of personality, which in psychology is called post-traumatic growth.

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bakterie jelitowe
bakterie jelitowe

Abnormal gut microbiota can contribute to anxiety disorders and depression

Neurobiology, 06-12-2020

The human body is home to nearly 100 quintillion bacteria that are essential to health. Their role in digestion is widely known, but recent studies have shown that the intestinal flora also plays an important role in brain function and may play a role in the development of anxiety and mood disorders.

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zakochana para na łące
zakochana para na łące

How to deal with the stress of infertility?

Psychology, 11-11-2020

In couples trying to conceive, infertility is always stressful. It makes it difficult or impossible to fulfill the important role of a parent, often disturbs relationships with friends and family, causes embarrassment, emotional disorders, and sometimes depression. Stress can be dealt with in various ways, and the strategy adopted influences the level of stress by […]

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smutna para kobieta i mężczyzna
smutna para kobieta i mężczyzna

Infertility is not only a medical problem

Psychology, 11-11-2020

The beginning of trying for a baby is almost always associated with positive emotions. The couple is excited, does not anticipate any problems and believes that soon they will be able to enjoy the pregnancy and then the birth of the desired child. But sometimes months pass – a few, then a dozen or so […]

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dziewczyna patrzy przez okno
dziewczyna patrzy przez okno

What is agoraphobia?

Psychology, 02-02-2020

Agoraphobia is sometimes defined as fear of open space, but in fact it is not open space that causes fear in people who suffer from this disorder. It is a more complicated and not fully understood disorder.

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grzybki halucynogenne
grzybki halucynogenne

Therapeutic hallucinogens

Neurobiology, 12-06-2016

Already in the 50’s it was noted that psychedelic drugs, also called hallucinogens may have a therapeutic effect. Some studies of these years have shown that these substances can be helpful in treating addiction and alleviate the psychological suffering of terminally ill patients. In the 60’s, researchers in the US found that LSD and DPT given […]

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The stress response

Neurobiology, 26-09-2015

The two main biological systems involved in stress response, ie. the sympathetic system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), I described in the article Biology of stress. Now a little bit more about corticoliberin, as well as the locus coeruleus in the brainstem, dopaminergic and serotonergic system and the amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Corticoliberin (Corticotropin-releasing hormone […]

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